My blonde hero

Rabbit-hearted Merwil is the epitome of joie de vivre in my imagination, when I think of his story, Star City Roulette, I am overwhelmed with pure joy.
Merwil was the first hero my mind created from myself to give me coping strategies through his story. He is definitely my own shining heart: two suns rising on a beautiful early summer day over an idyllic place and the space symphony orchestra playing a romantic hit song and my beloved blonde hero comes out of the pink ocean after his morning swim and I ask for another cocktail, for him too, and we discuss the great things of the world together and laugh at the absurdity of it all. I think Merwil is also the embodiment of the love that all human beings feel when they realise that life is unique, that we only wonder at existence once and go on a crazy adventure called life.
Oh yes, Merwil is wiser than you think.
It's a great feeling to have my own hero who can make me laugh and make me happy just by thinking about it.
I don't know how common it is to go on thought-provoking adventures in heroic forms of ourselves to relieve the stress, anxiety and other misery generated by the problems of existence. Knowing the popularity of storytelling, how much we devour stories, the basic human need is adventure. In my case, though, it's specifically that my mind creates heroes out of me and tells their stories at an almost unimaginable speed in my dreams.
It's hard to turn a big feeling and the some ideas it generates into one good story. It is a task beyond my abilities. That's what I call the big magic that I can't do. Merwil's story is a truly cathartic experience. I've absorbed a lot of stories in my life, whether it's reading a novel or watching a film in the cinema, and I've seen a few plays and operas, but having your own story is always a different experience. I really do have more lives through the heroes I've made of myself in spontaneous night dreams. In addition, Merwil tends to tell his own story differently, he is an unreliable storyteller, but given his origins, I'm not surprised that he doesn't know exactly what it happened to him and where he came from, from which alternate reality in which warp of space-time. There are, however, several common events in each version of the story, which give a rough outline of the story.
Several things were already certain from the inspirational dream, Merwil is tech-savvy, has mysterious power, a strange girlfriend, an even stranger family background and a love of showman allure. I now know for sure that on the night of 23 January 2002 I dreamt a space opera-comedy starring Merwil. And it is still a bohemian pleasure to think about. How can something feel so good?!
I regret a little that I was not persistent enough to write his story, which exists only in fragmentary versions and mostly in the form of notes. I've been making illustrations with the image generator every now and then for a year, mostly to keep myself inspired and entertained.
Fortunately for humanity, we have had, have and will have many excellent storytellers. My not being one of them is entirely my own little private problem and not the most important one. After all, I don't need to have (false) literary goal to be truly happy. Merwil is inside me and I can turn to him whenever I need joy.

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