Twenty poisonous-edible fungi pairs

On Monday I gave the sixth presentation of the Gombafutam/Running mushroom. It was one of the most important performances of the series. These five images were also included in the presentation, showing a four pairs of fungi. Upper left Amanita phalloides vs. Agaricus species, lower Agaricus xanthodermus vs. Agaricus arvensis, upper right Verpa bohemica vs. Gyromitra gigas, lower Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca vs. lower right Cantharellus ferruginascens. The edibility of Agaricus arvensis is questionable because its cadmium uptake is significant, but to develop heavy metal poisoning you need to eat a lot of the mushroom.
This theme will be continued in Gombatár/Mushroom Repertory, which starts on 1 March, I will be presenting twenty of poisonous fungi.
The value of my lectures is that they provide two-way communication, I support the learning process with questions, and I like students to share their experiences with each other and with me. Real, supportive communication is sorely missing in our lives. I think we all experience this and long for meaningful communication. This is the value I strive for in my lectures. Tickets for my lectures cost 1000 HUF, which is 2 euros 50 cents. Is that too much? For the value I provide, no.

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