The most important poisonous fungus

The death cap Amanita phalloides is most important poisonous fungus in Hungary. It's a recurring species in many of my presentations, because it's really important to know it for anyone who wants to collect mushrooms in the wild. I started Monday's presentation with it. Three of the five pictures feature A. phalloides. The second shows a death cap with a brittlegill. The third picture shows only brittlegills (Russula). The fourth shows the false deathcap Amanita citrina. And incredible as it may seem, that tiny fungus next to the coin in the fifth picture is a death cap. Unfortunately, the greenish-brown cap-coloured A. phalloides is easy confused with greasy green brittlegill Russula heterophylla. But on stipe of brittlegill has not ring and volva! This can be seen in the third picture in the top right corner. The fruiting bodies of the Russula species are interestingly broken, crushable, and have much drier flesh than Amanita. When picking mushrooms, it's important to pay attention and notice the important characteristics to avoid mixing edible mushrooms with life-threatening poisonous death cap.

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