New ethics or old suffering

The Xylaria polymorpha fruiting bodies are as like the blackened fingers of a dead man, pointing to the sky, from which he looked in vain for help, for man needs inner strength and ethics to survive the storm he has caused. We are living in an age in which humanity has accumulated an incredible amount of knowledge, and yet consumer society has reduced people to the level of helpless children. The market offers a myriad of products, but hardly a life worth living. I am surrounded by all sorts of conveniences, towering like a wall between me and reality. The online tools we call social apps are actually there to watch us and keep us chained down. Freedom is an illusion. How cruel that isolated people can stare at other people's lives on monitors and be mentally robbed, miserable and eventually driven mad by lies. Social cooperation has made our species the dominant one in the Earth's biosphere. This is a blessing that should have been used wisely all along. As soon as the accumulation and distribution of material wealth, aka capital, appeared, creating the first elites and building the social pyramid, new forms of violence were inevitable.
It is remarkable how late we realised the fatal natural damage caused by our species. There is no unlimited growth in a finite space. I don't know how such a basic law could have escaped the attention of a Homo sapiens(=wise). Another fundamental mistake is to have invented heavenly forgiveness, the etheric space of infinite faith, the afterlife. It was silly, but an understandable release of our anxieties, just wrong. We have created very real problems for ourselves and the crimes and horrors of the 20th century were all committed by human beings. Religion didn't means shit. In fact, religion is also a whip of power violence. It breaks and paralyses weak minds. It's time to acknowledge that the content of consciousness is slipping away and the soul does not exist. It's a sign of poor self-awareness that most people are unable to recognise that their consciousness is a jumble of information that is guaranteed not to be claimed by even an imagined ethereal entity. What a beautiful little lie that the little man is important to a celestial entity, when his life on earth is nothing but gorging and he never stops to think, hey, what the fuck am I doing?!
It's amazing that everyone has a brain, and that many people are unable to use it, even though our brains are much more advanced than the top computers. Of course, it takes a conscious effort to use the brain and it takes a lot of energy to think. However, without thinking there is no planning and without planning what happens is exactly what we have now, a plunge to destruction. With eight billion people, a collapse really is a crisis of apocalyptic proportions. And the little people who cling to the consumer stupor, to addiction, are afraid and unable to face themselves, their actions and take responsibility. Oh, my dears, we've pushed this shit out of ourselves together. We are all responsible. You were born human, you're a member of a race that usurps life on earth, a quasi apex predator, and you say you've done nothing? If you've got a car under your ass, you've just fucked nature. You are hypocritical. It's weird how we like to live, but we don't value life. It's strange that we take pictures of ourselves (our lies) with pleasure, but we would kick in the other person, especially if they have a different skin colour... Strange to talk about god, but avoid the moral part of the teachings by a wide margin.

We are sheep to the slaughter. That is the sad truth. We believe that we are free to act, but we follow our basic instincts, we want to eat and fuck and indulge in as many amenities as possible. The gorging can never end. The Homo sapiens is unable to leap to the next level of development and think, plan and act in millennia. It's easy to think of planet Earth as a spaceship, because that's where we are, in space. In our short lives, which among animals is a very long time, many of us never once wonder about the true horizons. It is part of our tragedy. The wonder is not in an imaginary ethereal space, but here and now. And we eat up this miracle, only to fall into chaos on an apocalyptic scale. Are we sure we are sensible? Please think about my thoughts! We all have an interest in preserving life on Earth and ensuring the long-term survival of our species. What we have now is simply unsustainable. We have to take responsibility for your actions. We cannot run away from ourselves. We cannot deny our sins. And we cannot hand them over to an imaginary celestial entity because we committed them. Ethics is at a higher level of thinking and it is time to take it seriously. Use your brain and become a human being for once, not a puppet pulled by your instincts and fears.  We are human, and our choices do have an impact on the world!

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