Should Europe be destroyed?

This photo was taken of me on a May day in 2017 during a small local demonstration in support of the European Union. As a very young man, I voted to join the EU, and I don't regret that decision now, I feel sad and angry about something else. 
How good it is that I live on the border of two worlds and that the basic survivor in me has not been destroyed by over-comforte. I was a small child living under the Kádár regime and I will never forget discussing with my father (I was seven years old) exactly what Hungary's relationship is with the Soviet Union. It was not difficult for me to piece together that the latter was holding the former hostage. 
I know several things about human nature, but one of the most important is that civilisation is a very thin veneer on us. The European human, after the crimes and horrors of the 20th century, has (understandably and not inappropriately) been horrified by the brutal and barbaric side of himself and has opted for humane methods for the future. With a common global human minimum, the humanism of the European Union could even be forward-looking and ground-breaking, but I fear that as soon as environmental factors become more extreme, the veneer of civilisation will fall off us. The basic urges of men to acquire territory, among other things, have not been lost. 
I can very well imagine the Chinese dragon leading the Russian bear, taking advantage of the inner madness of the American eagle, to slip across Eurasia and reach the Atlantic.
The snow-white bull of Europe will be eaten. How is this possible? On the one hand, common sense and the survival instinct have withered away in comfort, and on the other, the European man has never found his own identity and has never embraced European values. Because we do have values, and I am not talking about assets! It is a common mistake for people to associate values with money. But real values are all part of the carefully crafted aspect of our human essence. Trust, for example, but only if it is mutual. 
Europe is in danger because it has abandoned the defence of its unrecognised values and is helplessly loitering, almost offering itself as prey. I have learnt many things in my forty-six years of living in south-eastern Hungary, one of the hard lessons being that if a man does not show strength (in my case, knowledge is my strength), he will not be respected and if he is not respected, he will be cheated and exploited, causing him so much damage that he will die from his losses. 
Europe refuses to show strength, and as soon as the crazed American eagle backs out, the Chinese dragon-funded internal jackals start to tear it apart, and the Russian bear rips Ukraine to pieces and moves toward innen Europe. 
A digression about America: as a teenager, I was genuinely amazed that there was a common American identity that made the second generation American. The star-spangled banner seemed to be their clear common symbol. It is amazing how since 2010 the curse of the internet has managed to divide and virtually drive America towards civil war in the 21st century. People always lose their minds as soon as they lose the real basics of their existence, such as access to land, water, real goods. In short, their autonomy is seriously threatened. I could write about that too. 
I suggest, having lived under the dictatorship of the Kádár, having experienced the "kindness" of the Russian bear, that the European Union should get its act together urgently, because it will collapse because of its own paralysis. As I said, he who shows no strength and appeals weakly to morality, while his opponent knows no morality and no mercy, but no god either (appealing to god is always a manifestation of power in men), is already by default whining from his loser position and is guaranteed his downfall by his own weakness. To me, it is searing anger to see a good initiative lost because of cowardly humans. 

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