Mérgező és ehető hasonmások

Október 6-án este hét órától lesz egy ráadás előadás, mert leadom a mérgező-ehető hasonmások másik felét is. További gombapárokat ismertetek. A mozaikon szereplő öt gomba is szerepel az anyagban. Ezek közül kettő kimondottan jó étkezési gomba, az egyik se nem mérgező, se nem ehető, míg kettő gyomorrontást okoz. Ha már van némi gombaismereted, felismerheted a fajokat. Az öt közül csak egy társul fával, a többiek korhadékbontók és faanyagokon tenyésznek. Az egyik téli termőidejű, de hasonmása áprilistól decemberig képes teremni, így előfordulhat, hogy együtt találsz rájuk. Sokat tudnék írni róluk, és írtam is, de inkább élőben szeretnék beszélni a kedvenceimről. A chat szoba ugyanaz, 18:55-kor kinyitom. A jegyár egy kék Mátyás, amit a támogatói oldalamon el tudsz utalni nekem.
Az élő előadás előnye, hogy kérdezhetsz tőlem. A kommunikáció kétoldalú, és ezért hatásosabb mint egy konzervanyag.

Egy éves videóm

Szeptember 29-én online előadást tartok, aminek témája a csiperkék nemzetsége lesz. Az egy éve készített videómban több fajuk szerepelt. 2022 forró és száraz nyara után jött egy pozitív csapadékanomália, ami kiadós esőzéseket zúdított ránk. Ironikus, és jól jelzi a klímaváltozás keménységét, hogy 2022 októbere viszont totál száraz volt. 2023-ban "normális" nyarunk volt, de közben Kanada fenyveseiben egymás után pattantak ki a tüzek. Ez már pár éve is megtörtént és akkor írtam erről egy cikket. Az ember nagyon rövidlátó és butuska, azt hiszi, amit éppen elér a kis kezével és lát a szemével, de átfogni elméjével a nagyobb képet már képtelen. Pont olyan együgyűek vagyunk mint bármely állat. Nem igaz a tudományos nevünk, nem vagyunk bölcsek. Érthető a keserűségem, mert emberként látom a végzetet. Sose öröm a sok részeg közt józannak lenni.

Év gombája szavazás 2024

A gyilkos galóca Amanita phalloides 2006-ban volt az év gombája. Magyarországon a gombák fontosságára felhívó kampánysorozat ezzel az évvel és igen fontos mérgező gombával indult el. Jelenleg zajlik a 2024-es fajt megválasztó közönségszavazás a Magyar Mikológiai Társaság honlapján. A galócák nemzetségéből került kiválasztásra a három jelölt. Kettő nagyon is gyakori karakterfaja Kétkörösköznek, a gombászterepemnek. A harmadikkal hegyvidéki túráimon szoktam találkozni. Mindhárman sokszor kerülnek a gombászok elé. Erős dilemmában vagyok, hogy a két helyben is termő közül melyikre szavazzak.
Az őzlábgalóca Amanita vittadinii egy igazi különc, mert a fákkal társult rokonaival ellentétben a füves élőhelyeken él és terem. Jelentős élőhelyváltást hajtott végre, alkalmazkodott az ember túlterjeszkedéséhez és beköltözött a településeink zöld területeire. A legeltető pusztai állattartás felhagyása jelentősen csökkentette az élőhelyeit. Ezért került be a védett gombák közé. Aztán mindenki meglepetésére megjelent a városokban. Alaposan meg tudja lepni a laikusokat. Ezt a képet pont egy éve készítettem Békéscsaba belterületén sorházak előtti füves sávban. Az egyik legjellegzetesebb gomba hazánkban. A fotóm hűen adta vissza a megjelenését. Semmivel sem téveszthető össze. Esetleg két rokona, a tüskés galóca és a cafrangos galóca A. strobiliformis zavarhat össze, de azokat mindig fák alatt találod meg. A tüskésről mindjárt olvashatsz is.
A tüskés galócára Amanita echinocephala szintén szavazhatsz, ami ugyanúgy fontos karakterfaja gombászterepemnek, Kétkörösköznek. Ezt a fotót Gyula-Városerdőben készítettem 2020 augusztusában és jól megfigyelhető rajta a termőtest egyik fontos tulajdonsága, a piramis alakú burokmaradványok a kalapon. Erről biztosan felismerhető. Ráadásnak kissé zöldes árnyalatú a fehér spórapora, így egyedi módon a fehér lemezeire is kerül egy kis zöldes árnyalat, ahogy érnek a spórák. Elég nagy méretű mint az őzlábgalóca. Ezeket a galócákat garantáltan észreveszed, és felkeltik érdeklődésedet. Erős dilemmában vagyok, hogy a laikusok számára is figyelemfelkeltő őzlábgalócára vagy a megyei "erdők" sanyarú helyzetére figyelmeztető tüskés galócára szavazzak. A tüskés galóca fapartner hiányában eltűnik a tájból. És a fák haldokolnak a forró-száraz nyarak hatására.
A szürke galóca Amanita excelsa élőhelyi fotója, ami meredek domboldali savanyú talajú tölgyesben készült, jelzi, hogy nem élhet meg Kétkörösközben. Magyarország domb-hegyvidéki erdőiben találkozhatsz vele. A 20 perces szabály vonatkozik rá, akár a piruló galócára A. rubescens, vagyis alapos hőhatással ehetővé tehető. Ellenben igencsak hasonlít a párducgalócára A. pantherina, ami viszont "bolondgomba", furán és nyugtalanítóan megbolygatja a méreganyaga az idegrendszer működését. Az ehető-mérgező és egymásra hasonlító rokon gombák ideális bemutatója. Erdei gombaként, akár a tüskés galóca, felhívhatja a figyelmet az erdők állapotára, amik nemcsak az Alföldön szenvednek a klímaváltozástól. Elképesztő mértékű átalakuláson és visszahúzódáson mennek át az erdők, még 1000 méteren is a környező magashegységekben! Ez egy drasztikus "néma" folyamat, aminek viszont igen komoly következményei lesznek az életünkre.

A komoly téma is jelzi, hogy az év gombája kampány egy kicsi, de fontos módja a természet értékeinek bemutatására. Ezért kérlek, hogy szavazz valamelyik galócára!

Tarim Basin and Carpathian Basin

In this paper, I mix two strong themes, because there is some connection between them. In the context of the Carpathian Basin drying up due to climate change and the orange horde eating up Hungary, my interest has turned to Inner Asia. 

There is a crazy delusion among nationalist Hungarians that they are descended from the Huns. This is not true. Over a thousand years, there have been so many population movements, the population of the Hungarian kingdom has been decimated so often, that the massive mixing generated by continuous immigration has overwritten the genetic heritage of the East tribes. What remained was the Huns' plundering mentality, the acquisition of wealth by force. Now that's one thing that is very dear to the pernicious orange horde of value-losers. I am not going to mince my words when I see clearly that there is a significant decline, on the other side of which, on the orange liars', a few thousand families are making a fortune at the expense of the Hungarian people. And then there is climate change, which will completely transform our world by starting a large popular movement. In a thousand years, a completely different people will live here.

I am reading one of Sir Marc Aurel Stein's books, Cities Buried in the Sand. This led me to wander around the Tarim Basin area on Google Maps in the evening. The misconception that the orange bandits were descendants of some kind of eastern noble tribes (who were really barbarians fleeing from stronger peoples) really pissed me off. I don't feel the slightest tearful emotion for the past. I am interested history to learn from it. Staying alive in Inner Asia has never been easy. Yet there was and is human life in an area with an extremely arid climate, battered by staggering windstorms.

It was amazing to get a glimpse of a place that is mythical and enthusiastic for the national Hungarians through the photos of the adventurous tourists. Although if they love it so much, they could really move there. If the East feels like home, go back! Why can't they understand that we have been Westerners for a thousand years?! The very small trace of a very small Eastern gene does not give them the right to lie and plunder the population! They built their whole skanzen world with EU subsidies. They are a very dirty bunch, who have no place among working people. They would starve in the East. The orange bastard doesn't like to work. They can lie and intimidate, of course! They do not respect the principle of live and let live! Their harm is crippling hundreds of thousands of people!

A desolate wasteland remains after the orange locust walk. And they consider themselves nationalists. When they directly divide society by generating hostility and treat as foreign elements even those who are full Hungarian citizens! You cannot live and plan for the future in a country that has been systematically plundered and crippled by its own ragtag elite for centuries. And of course the heirs of the post-Soviet cadres are doing the same, usurping power for personal gain and destruction. They are completing their plan of national destruction. How on earth can a nation hate itself so much?!

Sir Marc Aurel Stein was of Jewish origin. To the national Hungarians, who hold up the fugitive, thieving Huns as their role models, the hard-working and hardy Jews have always been irritating, because while the Jews were building, they only wanted to have fun and command servants a good living. God save them from hard work! I raged like the wind in the desert. For I am in an intellectual void, crying alone in the dark.
Don't learn from history! Tolerate arbitrariness and know that you chose it.

Only ten years have passed

On 20 September 2013, the three of us went to Munții Bihorului, the popular winter-summer resort of Stâna de Vale. At that time it was the ending mushroom season at a thousand metres, and three of us went mushrooming on the hiking trail. The weather was variable cloudy and surprisingly cool. At the beginning of the hike there was even a drizzle of fine rain. I was right to dress in layers, because I would have been cold. There was no one except the three of us, and the depth of the silence was astonishing. At the same time, the peacefulness of the old spruceforest was magical. (I won't mention that there might have been a bear in the vicinity.) We soon found the first cepes Boletus edulis. We had a great experience. Although there were a lot of soggy fruiting bodies, there were plenty of hard ones too. Like the perfect in the picture. It was a beautiful mushroom hunt, a tribute to abundance. That's why it's so thought-provoking to see how quickly everything is changing because of climate change. Munții Apuseni also receives insufficient rainfall, and temperatures are rising there. The combination of drought and unusual heat is fatal for spruce. Those old forests are dying.
On 17 September 2017, a supercell chain of thunderstorms lashed Stâna de Vale. I was last there in 2021 and traces of the storm four years earlier were everywhere. There was hardly any mushrooms in the former mushroom forest! You could translate the linked article with Google Translate integrated in the blog. But the pictures are very illustrative. We are surrounded by rapid transformation, and we are not reacting to it. It is depressing and makes you wonder what will happen here in 2033!
To conclude this article, here are some pictures from the mushroom trip ten years ago.

Hungarian exodus

The Orange regime borrowed €1.75 billion from the market, not to pay teachers, but to buy back Budapest International Airport. He bought the loss-making red mobile phone operator with previously transferred funds, and although the Orange regime was able to find money for this, it could not find money to pay teachers. Dictators are small people too, and also the most important thing for them is their own well-being. A poor man from the end of the village looks out over the countryside from his castle in Buda and unscrupulously makes fools of and plunders the Hungarian people. They are a perfect subject for plunder, because historical traumas have eroded his inner reserve, robbed him of his moral sense, and he is all too prone to choose the crooked path over the straight one, because corruption is a bad habit that has been entrenched for centuries in Central Europe. Yesterday, I had a very enlightening experience, as the lost countryside showed its remaining values. At the public employment fair, where many public workers were present, I saw a picture of an underdeveloped country and a county that is vegetating from agricultural production. I was horrified to see faces and fates, including my own.
In one image, I managed to capture the extremism of the Orange regime looking for border guards and what people are left in a region in decline. Of course, there are still young people in ever decreasing numbers, but 100% they will leave because the Orange regime has long regarded the Hungarian people as nothing more than a "human resource". This is not a relationship of equals, but an unequal relationship of violence between the cotton baron and the slave who is kidnapped from his homeland. In vain have I been writing for months, in vain have I represented the civilian ideal of independence alone, when I myself am dying in the unequal situation, because there are not enough people to resist the violent self-interest and the devouring of the country by the mad nightmare of one man and his profiteers! Those who stay here may know that certain death awaits them. Just try to find a doctor in time for a life-threatening physical ailment or survive a hospital infection. Or any professional who is truly conscientious and not looking to rip you off as much as possible. Lack of morality leads to an early death. Ignoring reality also leads to an early death. If you do nothing, you are guaranteed to die.

The country of missed opportunities

The suicide nation

At the breakpoint

I am a victim of climate change

May 16, 2019 is a nice memory of a perfect mushroom tour, on which we all had a good time and picked wonderful mushrooms. Of course, I was depressed even then, because there were clear signs of the negative effects of the rapidly changing climate. In September 2017, for example, an amazing chain of thunderstorms swept through the mountains, which completely crushed and destroyed my favorite mushroom place at 1,000 meters. This 2019 late spring mushroom tour was a sweet reminder of the abundance of yesteryear. Human has countless illusions, it is never a wrong to lose them, but losing nature is seriously life-threatening for us. It hurts me that I couldn't slow down the negative process with my blog and I have to see everything fall apart. This is a pain that only I feel, I can't share it with anyone, no one cares too. This is also one of the valuable experiences of human life, that we are really alone. No one can escape from himself/herself. And there is nowhere to escape from climate change either. I watch as the habitats where I used to pick mushrooms are destroyed, and this has made my green project, which gave me a small chance of life, impossible. And I loved doing it! Physical and emotional loss burden me at the same time, while am surrounded by total indifference. Of course, I understand the reason for this, everyone is starting to feel that the situation is becoming more and more threatening. Everyone is looking for their own escape route and surrounds themselves with countless illusions, they still cling to the intoxication of consumption, that financial security(?) protects them. I don't expect anything good. I lock the values inside myself. I alone preserve human values and enjoy the good things in life. This is the test that I have to bear for the rest of my life. This is the bitter cup I must drink. So be it, I've seen enough, I know almost everything that is necessary to be able to exist and follow my inner motivation as I please. It doesn't need anyone but me.

This song is perfect for the end of this article, because I feel like I'm in a survival game, which is so ridiculous that it's a shame to waste more words on it.

Human values

My theme today is human values, which we are increasingly forgetting. Yet we need to cultivate and pass on these values in order to live a life worthy of human beings. I managed to sum up my article in one sentence. There are so many different human values, but I will mention five that I practice myself: self-awareness, empathy, gratitude, interest, creativity. Values are closely linked to the good things in life. Now you may think that I am talking to you out of some kind of Edenic state, but you are wrong, I am not in the best shape financially or physically at the moment, but I have decided to stay human for as long as possible, so even in the last weeks of my dying I will have to be in a lot of pain to lose my human face. As much as possible, I have preserved my freedom, given myself principles and made choices at a price. I know all levels of human life, I've been in many different situations, so I had a world view to build on, and I could clearly pick out the human values and the good things in life. My green blog is part of this long process. I've been building up this material over years, which has required a lot of physical and mental exercise. So, I'm not spewing purple mist from an Edenic state, but I'm writing from two decades of life experience, very much grounded in reality.
How instructive that the young child's work shows basic motifs, as well as signs of imagination and a mythical creature. The sun, the house, the guardian of knowledge are all three powerful symbols, universal in human consciousness, whatever culture or nation we come from. We undeniably share a common knowledge of the human condition, of ourselves, and it is the task of this knowledge to help us connect with each other. But even if you are not willing to face yourself and know yourself, fear will be your partner and you will go mad. The full extent of the destructive work of fear can be studied in Hungary. Sometimes this causes me to cry in hiding. No, it's not fear that makes me cry, it's the sight of its extensive destruction. Today I just half-eyed a few posts during a public video and quickly moved on because the venom of fear was pouring out of people. For a sensitive and open-minded person like me, it is dangerous to let these completely false and distorted opinions into your mind. We are better off discovering universal human values and spending our lives in their spirit.
Creativity in children's drawings is an important quality throughout our lives. Even the organisation of an ordinary weekday requires creativity. Many people associate it with art, but it is an universal human value. On a day at the end of May, it was good to see the children's interest in the magician-musician's performance. They eagerly followed his instructions and sang along or tried to answer the artist's playful questions. In this scene, several human values were revealed. I am not helping you right now, please think about these things. The children's enthusiasm was genuine and pure. Where does this kind of brilliance of our human being disappear? Life also is hard as a child, with many challenges, despite being protected by caring parents for their children. So we cannot blame the sadness of adulthood on hardship. The fact is that we allow ourselves to be broken. Okay, not me of all people, I can navigate between dangerous rocks of life in my little boat, but unfortunately many people run into rocks and lack the resilience to stay together. This would require a more detailed explanation, which would take us away from the original topic of the article. There is an abundant literature available on resilience.
As a middle-aged human looking forward, I am also sorting through the experiences of my past. I also look back to my early years, which brought up a powerful thought for me, every child has the right to grow up in peace. I didn't write security, because that can never be complete, I wrote peace of mind. One of my parents was sadly mentally disturbed and often shouted in his helplessness. As a child, I could not put her alarming behaviour anywhere, which caused me severe stress. This stress was toxic, affecting the development of my nervous system, and the sick parent inadvertently made me ill. As an adult, I have come to understand why it happened, and my only regret is that I was not given a peaceful childhood. I don't blame anyone, because I now know why my parent was the way he was. But a more peaceful childhood would have been a blessing. That is why I consider deliberate fear-mongering a crime, see the postscript to my article. When you are stressed, your body goes into survival mode and you become unable to think. This state is detrimental to you in all areas and certainly shortens your life. And child abuse is even more destructive because it endangers the future. There are many global processes taking place that I watch in amazement and horror. These are beyond the capacity of our disorganised generations of the 1970s, 80s, 90s and our children will have the great task of dealing with them, which they will be unable to do if we harm them.
Life as a process is a phenomenon that effectively defies entropy. It is probably present in many places in the universe, but we can only know life on earth, of which we ourselves are a part. We humans are special in that we are able, through our intricate brains, to wonder about life, ourselves, and to think. As humans, we have multiple roles to play, but it is clear that as a species with a global impact, we have a responsibility to live. I beg you, really, don't think that I'm raining purple mist from Eden! For example, I am watching climate change destroy the habitats of my beloved mushrooms and I know that this negative process is already affecting my life. It's also why I cry in hiding from time to time. I am human, groaning with the weight of life. Despite this, I keep up my strength and do the tasks I have undertaken, not just for the sake of subsistence, because as a human I am only one percent more than the animals. The knowledge that I am able to see through the processes, to see the consequences of my actions, is obliges me to take responsibility and to serve the greater purpose. Of course I could spit on the whole thing, but given that as a social being, the lack of social contact would drive me mad (see the effect of solitary confinement on prisoners), I have to fight for my own well-understood interests. Do not think I am a saint, I am a man who knows his own interests and that is why I speak out when I see worrying developments. The destruction of human values affects all of us negatively me, you, and your children if you have any.

P.S.: The rise of populist shysters deserves a separate article, but that's enough for now. The impact lie is spread a hundred times more than its refutation, the simple truth. This is because the stronger the stimulus, the more our attention is drawn to it, but unfortunately we often don't think about its true meaning afterwards. Brain processes are very energy-intensive, and it saves energy where it can, but there is a downside! The loud populist, self-interest driven scammers are thoroughly fooling people who don't understand why they are in a frighteningly dire situation! And one more thing to take seriously, anyone who creates fear in you to confuse you is not worthy of your trust, as they hurt you by making you feel bad in order to manipulate you further for their benefit! You have only one life, don't screw it up by serving yourself to someone who will destroy you.

To help you arm yourself against negativity, here are five wonderful feel-good songs. The fifth song is so emotional and powerful that it's best to start with it and then listen and understand the rest.

Please think about where you get your information

This is a photo of me from last October. I finished the mushroom tour by showing once again the fruiting bodies of the species.
I worked for years as a mushroom inspector in the market. I have written more than two thousand posts on mushrooms and nature. I did a local mushroom club as a volunteer for six years. I took hundreds of beautiful photos of mushrooms, because I love mushrooms.
When I started mushroom picking as a teenager, the first thing I did was go to the library and borrow a mushroom book. In Hungary, the mushroom picking has been on the rise since the 1950s, after the famine brought on by the World War, many people became ill and some died from wild-picked mushrooms. This is when the mushroom inspector service was set up in the markets. This is a service that has significantly reduced the number of mushroom poisonings. (Of course, despite the good books, I took my collected mushrooms to the local market specialist. I never ate a mushroom that I had not identified. And, of course, he only returned the ones that were edible to begin with.) Over the years there has been a growing demand for mushroom knowledge, many courses have been started and very nice mushroom books published.
So there are plenty of sources of information. Which is risky if you don't check the source of your information! I just read that an amateur shroomer bought a mushroom book online, written by AI.
Really be careful and check the publications! There is no room for error with wild mushrooms, because simple indigestion is bad enough from mildly poisonous mushrooms, and Amanita phalloides poisoning can kill you, see the sad Australian case not so long ago.
In my video from last autumn, I captured the urban death cap fruiting bodies.

Szeptemberi előadások/September presentations

Elkezdődött a meteorológiai ősz, így ideje átismételni az alapvető tudnivalókat a gombákról, hogy felfrissített tudással indulj neki a főszezonnak. Szeptemberre négy előadást választottam ki a mintegy harminc anyagom közül, amik együtt majd száz gombát ismertetnek meg veled. Ezért a négy előadás egy alap gombaismereti tanfolyamnak is tekinthető. Olyan témákat választottam, amik alapvetőek: 20 mérgező-ehető gombapár, A gombafogyasztás kockázatai, 20 könnyen felismerhető gomba, Csiperkék. Azért az Agaricus nemzetség ismertetője a negyedik, mert hazánkban rendkívül népszerűek, és sok kezdő gombász ezeket keresi első gombatúráin, de a csiperkék kissé csalafinták, akadt köztük alapos hasmenést okozó is.
Kérlek, látogasd a blog közösségi oldalát, oda gyakrabban rakok ki bejegyzéseket.
Ha már itt a szeptember, jó szívvel ajánlom figyelmedbe két évvel korábbi gombaturkáló videómat. Online előadásaimban is dettó ilyen vagyok. (A videó magyar nyelvű, elnézést kérek, hogy nincs felirat sem.)

Autumn has begun, so it's time to review the basics about mushrooms so you can start the main season with a refreshed knowledge. For September, I've selected four lectures from my collection of around thirty, which together will introduce you to almost a hundred fungi. Therefore, the four lectures can be considered a basic course in mushroom science. I've chosen topics that are basic: 20 Poisonous-Edible Pairs of Mushrooms, Risks of Mushroom Consumption, 20 Easily Recognizable Mushrooms, Champignons. The reason why the fourth is the genus Agaricus is because they are very popular in our country and many beginner mushroom pickers look for them on their first mushroom trips, but the champignons are a bit of a decoy, some of them causing severe diarrhoea.
Please visit the blog's community page, I will post there more often.
Since it's September, I'd like to recommend you my mushroom-touring video from two years ago. (The video is in Hungarian, sorry for the lack of subtitles.)