Technological progress really has been good for humanity?

On the eve of the sixth industrial revolution, the Luddite in me is nervous at the thought of "artificial intelligence taking my job". I am part artist, I spent years of my life developing my creativity, then as a middle-aged woman it blows up in my face that I have become redundant. Thanks to artificial intelligence, millions are finding out how easy it is to create. Really? I can't wait to 3D print a child. At that point the user, the man who thinks he is a god, becomes superfluous. And the AI will know how to kill its creator. In fact, this is the moment when the human race really splits into two. Some will be slaves to the machine gods, whose services will be rewarded with a life of dubious value by technology, while the majority will sink to the level of beasts. And, of course, many of us will die from the worsening crises caused by climate change. I will only be forty-five in February, and in less than half a century of my life I have seen humanity dig its own grave. Of course, my personal death is not too far away. I didn't exactly start this year on a bright note. Since 2019, I've been plunging from one personal crisis to another and I'm getting tired. I know that no one is interested in my individual complaints. I've written my problems out in the solitude of cyberspace, in this lying hell. 01 lined up like the bars of a prison. We are all doomed, and we are all experiencing the consequences of our stupidity.

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