Cultivated mushrooms

This is a pleasant memory from autumn 2016. After the mushroom hunt, I went to one of the shops because there was a mushroom sale. So I was able to cook a meal with a mixture of mushrooms grown in nature and cultivated. On January 30, I will give an online lecture on cultivated mushrooms. Updating the presentation material, it was exciting to see again how many different species of mushrooms we grow. For me, it is a great feeling to see that mushroom consumption is growing. I really like the taste of mushrooms and have had many good experiences with them. It is not easy for modern man to find some truth. I'm lucky with mushrooms. For me, they clearly embody the "truth" I was looking for.
Gombafutam 2023/Running mushroom 2023 is an hour of fun education every Monday until 20 March. I get to talk about my favourites in an enjoyable style. It's surprising to me that despite my introversion, I became a good speaker. It is also true that I have practiced a lot and of course I am still working on myself and my presentations. How can everything be even better? It's a good goal to teach in a fun way, to introduce others to the wonders of nature and to make them understand why it's worth preserving our natural treasures. This is one of my life's missions.

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