
Today is the beginning of my birth month, I was a born at dawn on February 24, 1978 and it was the beginning of a winter day with snow and wind. Well, I never liked winter, I was more into summer when I was younger. In the forty-five years I've been alive, the seasons have changed, the warming process is quite obvious. It is now plus seven degrees outside. It looks like an extremely cold air mass is coming from the North Pole in the near future, but this is only an anomaly. Looking at global temperatures, it is clear that it is warmer. I am glad that the weather will be reminiscent of winter, because this mildness is not good for nature. I have no idea how I will pay the gas bill, though. Life is so hard. That's why it's important to have a few more students with whom we can mutually support each other. I give my decades of knowledge in exchange for currency. In February, I will be presenting four lectures on Mondays: Risks of mushroom consumption, Cavalcade of fruiting bodies, 20 poisonous-edible mushroom pairs, My food is my medicine.
You can join. The presentations are in Hungarian.

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